Catching up!

Last year I started a blog on blogspot called so really almost forgot about this one!  I haven’t worked on it a lot and still have a lot to learn about using it. Now I am thinking that I will spend a little more time here on WordPress and see if it is easier to work with.

This weekend I’ve been working on the office space out in our pole barn, that I’m making in to a little workshop and storage space for all my junk, I mean supplies and stock for my antique booth.  It’s been a long process but coming along.  It’s like the movie “Field of Dreams.”  I have ideas for that space but I’m not totally sure what it’s going to be, it’s more like “build it and they will come.”  Future antique shop, or just a place for me to make and store things?  Maybe a place to hold classes or gatherings for crafters?  I can think of lots of things but I am learning to have more guts about these things.  Part of my reason for working on the space out there is also so I can get a lot of clutter out of the house and my craft room.

What a beautiful fall day here in Indiana.  I’m going to head out for a long walk.  I’ve been listening to Anne of Green Gables on an audiobooks app, it’s delightful and making me want to talk with flowerly long words!  🙂

Xanga history

Many years ago I started a blog on Xanga to record the happenings in my life.  When Xanga changed last year they offered us an archive of our old Xanga blogs.  I’m creating this page as a place to save those archives, and possible start a new blog.

Thanks for reading!


I like the sound of this, but it’s funny, cornbread is not a part of our traditional dinner!


You Are Cornbread
While some people may find Thanksgiving to be stressful, you are able to kick back and soak it all in.
You have a high threshold for stress, and you prefer to just focus on the parts of Thanksgiving that you love the best.

You may go unnoticed at times, but you are often the glue that holds everything together. People would be unsatisfied if you weren’t around.
You are easy going and easy to love. And a lot more interesting than boring old dinner rolls!

This morning I need to get a grocery list made and get some supplies for Thanksgiving goodies.  We are going to my sister Suzie’s house.  I need to make pecan pie, raisin pie, cranberry jello salad, dressing, I think that’s it unless I get inspired to make brownies.  I’m looking forward to seeing all the kids over there…my nephews and all their kids.  I’m also happy to have two days off in a row, Wed and Thurs, then I work on Fri and Sat afternoons.  I’m not really looking forward to working in the store during the Christmas rush but I’m hoping it will be kind of fun. We’ll see.  Too stressful for me I’m afraid!

Our chickens are laying eggs now!  We started finding them last Thurs, first one, then two, then a few more….we know for sure at least two of the black ones are laying but not sure if any others.  I am a proud chicken mom.

I’m back and I had a wonderful trip!  Little Eva Jane is awesome.   It broke my heart to leave her again, but I know I will see them again in about 5 weeks or so, after Christmas.  We had fun and made some memories.  One of the most precious memories was taking EJ for a walk in her stroller for about an hour.  My first time to take her for a walk! She was looking up at me and smiling.  Oh it melts my heart when she smiles at me.  She fell asleep towards the end of the walk.  We had fun on Fri doing some baking together, so that felt like early holidays for me.  I  made a couple of pans of my special mint brownies, Jamie made a cherry pie and Cindi made a Miss. Mud Cake.  The other grandkids were having a chili supper and dessert auction on Fri night so we made these things to contribute.  I ended up buying Jamie’s pie!  So we were eating a lot of dessert all weekend.

On the flight home on Sun night, thankfully they had Direct TV on Frontier so I was able to watch most of the Colts- Patriots game.  When I got into Indy Ed and I watched the last few minutes at the airport with a bunch of other fans.  So that was fun, and the Colts won 35-34 wahooooo!

Now trying to get back to normal.  Worked on Mon and Tues afternoons and today is my day off to try to catch up on some stuff.  I’m still worn out and just want to goof off.   But I need to get some groceries and do some other housework.  I’m excited that yesterday I found out I can have the whole week off between Christmas and Jan 4.  Whoo!  That’s a relief.  So now we have plenty of time to go out to Denver that week, and Rob will be home and go out with us so he can finally meet his little niece!  It will be a wonderful blessing and sweet time to have our family all together for a while.  Rob is leaving on Jan. 3 on a trip to Belgium with a group of guys from college, to do some mission work over there.  I know he’ll love that. 

I have a book called “Lost in the Middle” about this time of life I am in.  I’ve  been feeling that way, like I am still in this time of transition of life and I really feel a little lost and trying to figure out some kind of new normal and self identity if that makes any sense.  It’s like I jumped from full-time mom after so many years into empty nest and working , etc and just somehow have to settle my mind into it.  Hm, maybe I should read my book, ha!  I’m ready for this time of Thanksgiving and Christmas and lights and pretty music.  Thankful to God for all he has done for us.  Think on these things.

Hopefully I’ll have time to get pictures off my camera so I can share a picture of our little dolly!

Tomorrow afternoon I am flying out to Denver to visit Dan & Jamie and Evalyn for a few days!  Doesn’t seem quite real but I’m happy.   I can’t wait to hold that baby!!  It was a hard day at work, which is funny because last time I went to CO I had kind of a hard day the day before we left.  Guess I am just getting my fill before having a few days off.  Last night I had a scare because Dan was sick and the dr. had told him it was swine flu..but this morning he is feeling better so now he thinks maybe he just had a 24 hour thing!  That is a big praise, since we were all worried about the baby getting it too.  Jamie hadn’t felt great either but never got any fever or chills.  So hoping they continue to be ok.  Anyway, I’m going now no matter what.  Last night I was afraid I was going to have to postpone it which would have been pretty hard to do.

So here’s to another Rocky Mtn High trip.

I was listening to this song this morning, and I decided to share it with my friends. One of my favorite old JD songs (don’t I say that every time I post one of these?) One of the few JD songs I can actually play on guitar. Beautiful words.

It’s another gorgeous fall day here in Indiana.


Tomorrow some friends are moving their two mini-horses and a pony into our barn. Should be fun! I hope I won’t be sorry, ha. I tell ya we are becomng a little ranchette.

I went out to the barn last night to shut the chickens in. They were snuggled up together on their roost. I like to pet them and tell them good night, and they cluck and talk to me. It is such a nice night that I sat out on my swing in the yard for a while. “Farm living is the life for me!” 😛

I know, I’m way behind on updating here but I’ll get to it!  Probably will need to post some pictures of the horsies and the chickens this weekend!

Two weeks until I am in Denver and get to love on my grandbaby Eva Jane!!

I just realized I never posted pictures on here of our last trip!  Here are a few:


She is a beauty.



With her Granddad, or Papaw, we can’t decide!


Best birthday present ever.


Hiking in Boulder, Dan and I.


At the Rocky Mtn. Natl Park.




Dan’s birthday

  Today is our son Dan’s 24th birthday.  He has grown into an amazing young man, who loves God and who’s filled with a loving and serving spirit.  He’s gone from my little boy to a husband and a daddy.  I’m so proud and I love you Dan!!





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